“The moon reminds us that no matter what phase we are in, we are still whole.”
— Unknown

"You're not the same as you were before. You were much more... MUCHIER. You've lost your Muchness."
- The Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland
This is what gaslighting, in its various forms, does to us. And yet, I SEE YOU. You may have, for a time, had your light dimmed, but
You are loving, dedicated, loyal, giving, empathetic, passionate, brave, fierce;
you're a protector of those you love;
you've worked hard to be a good, kind, and healthy person - and you're willing to continue to do the hard, messy work to be even better;
you don't shy away from the journey before you.
AND, you're ready - ready to let go of all that has dimmed your light and
robbed you of your muchness;
ready to claim your freedom and peace.
Looking around you - your life, career, relationships -
and knowing, down deep, that there's more;
that YOU have more inside of you; that you WANT more.
In fact, you're damn near desperate for more...
and your deep knowing is stirring.
And yet, there are few places you can go to understand WHY you feel this way, because it doesn't exactly add up. And there are even fewer places you can go where you feel safe enough to admit and talk about these things, as well as explore the reasons along with the solutions; a place where you are empowered to free yourself and begin to trust yourself.
You want a place that is secure enough to hold all of you, because you are beautifully complex, and have a variety of needs -
you need a guide who understands trauma;
a space that balances SAFETY and curiosity;
an experience that provides validation, solidarity, encouragement, hope - and of course - a bit of fun, laughter, and sass;
a place that honors all that you are.
AND you want an experience that is proven -
a path you can follow; a path others have blazed;
a trustworthy experience that you can lean into and on; an experience that will challenge you, inspire you, awaken you.
Picture it. YOU - saying, "No more! No more of other people getting to define for me how to think, feel, or decide things;
no more doubting myself;
no more settling and making concessions!
I'm ready to advocate for myself; ready to feel safe and empowered; ready to trust the knowledge I've gained."
It's my work to guide and support you as you step into your power.

Are you ready
to choose yourself,
and start YOUR journey?

"After I experienced betrayal in my relationship you could probably literally see me physically floundering for help. I was a mess, and trying to make sense of what happened, and I just couldn't.
I sought help from every possible source I could think of. From where I'm sitting now, over two years later, I can say that the help that Sarah was able to give me was the best help of all. I saw a few different therapists, none of which had been trained in working with partners of SA's. Unfortunately, I ended up re-traumatized more than once because of some of the things I was told by other professionals.
But, Sarah got it. She understood the different phases I was going through and had practical tips for how to manage them with zero judgment about my healing process. Her coaching has been the best tool I have that has allowed me to get a grip on my life again.
She is compassionate, thoughtful, gentle, and hilarious.
One day she told me, "I see you. I SEE you."
And for the first time in a long time
I felt truly understood and safe
even as the vulnerable mess I was."
- L.H., Austin, TX