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​8-Session Program​


Raise your awareness, change the way you relate with yourself and others

& bring healing to your relationships

Have you been nervous to look into the GASLIGHTING that you've done (or been told you've done), because you're afraid that means you're automatically a narcissist?

I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be afraid... 

Maybe you are like one of the MANY people I have met over the last decade and have some understanding that GASLIGHTING plays a part in the problems you're having in your relationships - those toxic behaviors you either didn't realize you were doing or don't know where they came from?

Or maybe you're in recovery from an addiction and are just starting to realize that not only was GASLIGHTING a part of the behaviors you did to
hide your addiction from others, but it was also part of what drove and
enabled your addictive mindset.

You're here because you want to learn how to stop GASLIGHTING, as well as REPAIR the damage that was done by the GASLIGHTING you did.


For the first time ever, there is a program specifically designed for YOU. I’ve taken the work that I’ve been doing with men in recovery over the past five years and turned it into an eight-lesson program. 

What will you do?
You will gain understanding, raise your awareness, nurture empathy, connect the dots of how GASLIGHTING crept in and disconnected you from yourself, and how you perpetuated that GASLIGHTING in your relationship with others. You will learn tools to STOP doing GASLIGHTING behaviors, what you need to do to make amends and repair, and a four-step process for life-changing communication. 

I'm here to give you the tools and support you need to break free from the chains that are holding you back from living out of place of integrity, empathy, and alignment with your authentic self. 



Listen to this success story where Jeremy shares about his journey to living GASLIGHT free!


Deconstructing Gaslighting™ Repair is an

eight-session immersive experience designed to offer you a space to sit with the information you learn and anchor it DEEP! 



Through thorough, outside-the-box, consistent engagement,


you shift from moving through this world unaware and disconnected from yourself and others, to being more present, mindful, and able to show up in your relationships in alignment with your authentic self.  


It's time to break free

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Sarah’s course and work with me on GASLIGHTING gave me the insight on how family of origin issues and my addiction had not only GASLIGHT me, but clearly showed me how those things worked their way into how I behaved in many of my relationships.


The clarity that the course gave me was instrumental in changing my thinking and behavior to a place of integrity and honesty.


I would strongly recommend the course to anyone who is serious about recovery of self and rebuilding and maintaining good relationships.


- Tom V. Canada

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The main difference is the AMOUNT of time and TYPE of time
you get with 1:1 support!

This program is for you if...

Whichever program option you choose, you KNOW this program is for YOU if:

Whether due to "hitting rock bottom", or in therapy, or even just a good old google search, you have come across the term, "GASLIGHTING", and believe you have done GASLIGHTING behaviors in at least one of your major relationships. 


With so much information out there about GASLIGHTING, you are confused and don't know when GASLIGHTING is happening, so you want to better understand what it is and when it is happening. 


Since most information connects GASLIGHTING to narcissism, you want to know, for yourself, the things that happened to and in you that are connected to your GASLIGHTING behaviors, so that you are able to identify your "WHY?" (Why did I resort to GASLIGHTING behaviors?)


You want to be able to SEE the patterns of GASLIGHTING that have woven throughout your life, so that you can BREAK those patterns and STOP DOING GASLIGHTING BEHAVIORS. 


You understand (at least somewhat) that your GASLIGHTING behaviors have caused harm to people you love, so you are very invested in learning how to STOP doing GASLIGHTING behaviors, AND learn how to make amends (and repair, if possible). 


You know you do not have the tools to have the kind of deep, connected communication with the ones you love, and you are ready to do the hard work of forming new patterns to replace the old, toxic ones. (What can you do IN PLACE OF of GASLIGHTING behaviors?)


You are working with a therapist or recovery coach who can support you in digging into the deep places this program opens the doors to. (THIS IS CRUCIAL, AND YOUR SUCCESS IS DEEPLY CONNECTED TO THIS SUPPORT!)


With all the information out there about GASLIGHTING, you are looking for a PROVEN method; a TRUSTED and SAFE source to guide you as you become GASLIGHT FREE!

Repair Program 

Repair Program + Live Group Coaching:

Want to know if THIS option is the right one for you?

Repair Program + Private 1:1 Sessions:

Want to know if THIS option is the right one for you?

Your Journey's Road Map


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The Session Elements:
(What is covered in each lesson)

The more you practice them, the more deeply they will become anchored in you!


We begin by establishing a foundation of shared meaning between us, and any loved ones who have gone through any of my Deconstructing Gaslighting™ programs.



Broaden your understanding of the different levels of awareness and motives people have when they are doing GASLIGHTING behaviors. Identify where you've been on the scale at different times in your life. You will use these to create RED FLAGS that alert you to GASLIGHTING TRIGGERS. This will help you break the patterns. 


SESSION 3: Intent vs Impact & The Effects of GASLIGHTING

Begin nurturing empathy and breaking down defensiveness as you understand the significance of intent vs impact. You will learn about the variety of effects your loved ones have experienced as a result of your GASLIGHTING behaviors. You will use these to create RED FLAGS that alert you to GASLIGHTING EXPERIENCES happening in the moment. This will help you stop the experience from going longer and start over.


SESSION 4: When am I GASLIGHTING someone else?

Here you will connect the dots between the "Big Picture" of GASLIGHITNG experiences and the specific behaviors that cause them. You will use these to create RED FLAGS that alert you to GASLIGHTING TRIGGERS happening in the moment. This will help you be prepared ahead of time, and preemptively break the patterns. 

SESSION 5: Did someone GASLIGHT me?

Digging in, here you will take a look at where you've been gaslit throughout your life, and how those things may have become behaviors you've repeated, or beliefs you've internalized. This will help you break the "agreements" you unknowingly made, and break many GASLIGHTING patterns. 



This is a pivotal week where you will connect how those internalized messages have been a HUGE part in self-sabotage, enabling of addictive behaviors, and more! You will connect this to ways you've gaslit other people as well. You will use these to create RED FLAGS that alert you to GASLIGHTING TRIGGERS happening in the moment. This will help you be prepared ahead of time, and preemptively break the patterns. 


SESSION 7: Relational Repair

Here you will take a look at the HARD work you will need to do in order to have a CHANCE at repairing relationships. You will roll up your sleeves and assess where you're at, and how you can improve in these crucial areas that are a must for relational repair.


SESSION 8: Becoming GASLIGHT free!

Finally, you get to put it all together! You will learn how to use all these flags you've been creating, and move into my "Four-Step-Approach" to have better communication, avoid GASLIGHTING behaviors, truly listen, show empathy, and make amends. â€‹

"I am forever grateful for Sarah's help in achieving this deeper understanding of myself.  I am also excited to experience the impact this has on my life.  I don't know what the road ahead has in store for me, but I would welcome the chance to work together again." 

- Kevin M.



These anchoring points are what makes my approach unique! Why?


Because you will have 

a tremendous amount of support 

as you go through this course. 


As companions for each lesson in the program, you will also receive a:​


From my own in-depth personal and professional experience, I created a program that incorporates “anchoring points” to offer additional support to help you navigate through the DECONSTRUCTING GASLIGHTING™ Repair program.​


Musing: This is a question for the lesson; one that you come back to over and over throughout the week as you let the question sink in - maybe shake some things loose, and allow both your truth and your vision for your higher self to surface. 


Video: Ranging in length of 10-30 minutes each, these weekly lessons are the foundation for what you will learn in the program.


Worksheet/Assessment: Each lesson has a worksheet or assessment that has been created to help you apply the lesson to YOUR specific situation. It can create powerful insights when you see your answers in “black and white”!


Play Exercise: Sometimes in the form of a game; sometimes in the form of an art project - these activities were created to help you “feel” into the lesson; it’s a way to bypass the obstacles your brain sometimes creates as a coping mechanism, and find answers you may not otherwise see. In these “backdoor” experiences, we often have big “A-HA!” moments, and come away with powerful validation and clarity. 


Top Take-Aways & Action Steps: This anchor is about self-accountability! Naming the things that were impactful, sitting with what you need to do in response to what you’ve learned or discovered, and identifying an action step (or two!)  to generate even a little forward motion - week after week - is how we begin to see BIG changes in our relationships over time!


Mantras: This is the space where you take those big, “A-HA!” moments/insights/action steps, and turn them into short phrases that ground you in your truth as you are trying to create new neural pathways in your brain - they inspire you to hold a boundary, not settle, not gaslight yourself, etc. An example in my own life is, “I define me!”. That came from the realization that I had been letting others have the power to define things about me, and I wasn’t going to let them do that any more. When doubt would arise, I would say this mantra and sink into myself with curiosity and compassion (and determination!).


Celebrations: This anchor is a psychological one - it’s about positive reinforcement! Opening the door to this stuff is HARD WORK, and celebrating our wins along the way - whether that win is holding a new boundary, discovering a truth about ourselves, or experiencing freedom in some new way - celebrating those wins tells our subconscious WE WANT MORE OF THIS! No thing is too big or too small to celebrate, and you can celebrate however you want. For example, saying, “I am proud of myself for making the connections that are helping me be less defensive.” is a celebration.


These anchoring points are incredibly powerful! 







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