While there is a spectrum that gaslighting behaviors and experiences fall on, no matter what,
chronic gaslighting causes trauma.
Recurring trauma causes trauma brain - something science has shown to have concussion like impact! This can present a challenge when you're trying to learn new things, recognize patterns, and come up with solutions!
This understanding is at the heart of how I created my signature program; a program designed to not just educate you about gaslighting – I want to help you TRANSFORM!
I want to help you shift CONFIDENTLY from
understanding gaslighting
to MASTERING the information and tools
that will enable you to become

“If you want to go fast, go alone;
If you want to go far, go together."
- Burkina Faso (African) Proverb
The Take Your Power Back Course PLUS Live Group Coaching Includes:
Lifetime access to the Signature Program
16, 90-minute group coaching sessions
The Signature Program PLUS Live Group Coaching is a powerful hybrid between the program as a stand-alone, and the Private Coaching option.
The 3 Main Benefits of adding Live Group Coaching to your Empowerment Program experience:
With INSTANT ACCESS to the online course and anchoring points (which I explain here), you can begin to learn and implement important information and tools IMMEDIATELY, while you wait for your LIVE GROUP COACHING SESSIONS to begin.
No more rushing to get through the material at a pace that doesn't work for YOUR life; no more struggling to "keep up" with the rest of the group - with FOUR group options to choose from each year, you can choose how far in advance you want to go through the course before you start bringing your questions to me in the group coaching sessions. Click here to see the schedules for each group option
Since MANY of my clients like to go through each lesson a number of times, this combination between instant access + choosing your group option = great ability to let the lessons sink in - which often means you being able to ask clearer, more powerful questions in our group coaching sessions.
When we begin your group coaching sessions, you get to join a COMMUNITY of other people who have been experiencing their own gaslighting experiences, and who are learning alongside you how to best deconstruct and empower themselves in gaslighting situations. This can be both PROFOUNDLY VALIDATING when you hear others having the same struggles and questions - AND can be INSIGHTFUL as you hear others ask questions or share new awarenesses that, in turn, bring NEW AWARENESS to YOU!
*Because SAFETY is always my primary concern for my clients, group participation requires an application. I review each application for approval personally.

Some thoughts on if this options is for you:

Take Your Power Back + Live Group Coaching:

You learn/assimilate information best when you get to hear others' experiences, questions, and answers as well as your own.
You know yourself - you stick with something WAY BETTER when you have built-in consistency and accountability with others.
You may have a somewhat demanding schedule, but can fit in AT LEAST your 15 minutes of 1-1 time either during the day or at night, once a week.
You know you'll want feedback from me every step along the way - even if just for 10-15 minutes (I can help you A LOT in 15 minutes, I promise!)
Do You Already Have Your Own Group?
Do you already have an established group you meet with (like a peer support group, etc.), and you're interested in having group coaching support for your group as you go through the Empowerment Program?
Contact me here to check my availability and special group discount
Maybe PRIVATE Coaching is More Your Style!
If you've read this far, then I’m guessing you already know deep down that this program is right for you!
But maybe...
you're looking for an experience just for YOU!
Signature Program PLUS Private Coaching:
This option would be for you if your need for SAFETY and PRIVACY are the most important things to you, and in addition to being able to ask questions about the course, you want coaching around real-time things happening in your life and relationship(s).
The main difference is the AMOUNT of time and TYPE of time you get with 1:1 support!

"I was working with Sarah at the same time I started therapy. I got so much more out of working with Sarah than I did out of therapy, and it was easier on my wallet, too. I loved being in a group session where I could hear both the painful trials and joyful successes of another person, and see how to take their lessons being learned into my own life too. Working with Sarah was hands down one of the best choices I have made in the last couple of years.
I started the Empowerment group program at a low, grasping for something that would help me make sense out of what was going on in my life, and what I found at the end was not just more clarity and more tools, but an even more priceless gift - a better sense of who I am and where I want to go next."